LLM-powered RAG-enabled voice assistant - Technical deep dive

In our technical series, we're exploring the development of generative AI applications on Seaplane. You can catch up here if you missed our previous post on building an AI-powered Shopify store.

In this edition, we're focusing on creating a RAG (retrieval augmented generation) -enabled voice assistant, affectionately named Sea-ri (get it?).

We aim to show how Seaplane simplifies building a fully functional voice assistant that can compete with established players like Siri, Alexa, and the OpenAI voice assistant, both in versatility and latency. As icing on the cake, this whole app was built by a single person in less than a day.

We are hosting an event on April 11th 2024 where we are building this chatbot live on the air and will answer questions from users. SIGN UP HERE.

Application Architecture

High level application architecture

The diagram above provides a high-level overview of our application's architecture. Although it may appear complex with numerous boxes and arrows, the overall structure is straightforward. Let’s focus on a single pass through the DAG (directed acyclic graph) to address the following user input question:

“What is the weather like in Sacramento, California?”

We can visualize the message path through our DAG as follows:

Single path DAG route - Weather question

The user records the audio using a simple web interface and then calls the Seaplane API endpoint with the recording. Subsequently, the recorded audio is processed through OpenAI's whisper-large-v3, resulting in the following text output:

Extracted weather related question

During the speech-to-text post-processing task, we generate a new prompt to extract the category from the message and any required metadata the RAG DAG needs to execute its functions. The prompt typically takes the following form. In the case of a weather-related question, the LLM extracts the highlighted JSON.

Category extraction prompt

We utilized mistral-7b-instruct with the lowest temperature setting of 0.01 to extract the information. Mistral-7b-instruct, operated on edge GPUs by Seaplane, is the best LLM for this task. Instruct models excel at extracting JSON-formatted data compared, and Mistral's small size and speed align perfectly with our requirements, minimizing latency.

Based on the extracted category, we route the request to the appropriate task in the RAG DAG. We do so by using Seaplane's built-in functionality for conditional routing. In this instance, as it's a weather-related query, we leverage the Open Weather API to gather the latest weather data for the specified location. Subsequently, we construct a prompt to address the input question.

RAG enriched prompt

We've incorporated some guiding language to ensure the output is suitable for a text-to-speech model, and we've engineered the prompt to avoid awkward responses like Answer:. For this task, we leverage Zephyr-7b, another compact model run on the edge GPUs hosted by our partner Vultr and operated by Seaplane. The primary advantage of this small LLM here is reduced latency, a crucial factor in our setup.

The output from Zephyr is processed through yl4579/StyleTTS2 provided by Seaplane to generate the expected audio response from a voice assistant. We opted for StyleTTS2 due to its speed and performance. Unlike other models we tested, it's notably faster and yields high-quality results. However, we did encounter an issue: it crashes when generating audio snippets longer than 10 seconds without sample audio, a known limitation within the community.

This breakdown covers a single run through the application. However, observant readers may notice a secondary path through the DAG. This path serves two purposes:

  1. Directly answering questions that don't require RAG.
  2. Concealing latency.
Quick answer path

Let's address the first point. Not all user requests necessitate RAG processing. Routing these requests through the entire RAG DAG introduces unnecessary latency. To mitigate this, we directly address such questions. How? By routing all input requests through both paths simultaneously. While the RAG DAG processes the request, we also run it through what we call the "quick answer path." This path comprises a single task utilizing claude-3-sonnet with a prompt that either answers the question directly or tells the user we are retrieving live data.

Quick answer prompt

If the LLM determines that the category doesn't match any of the RAG categories, it will directly respond to the question and send the output to StyleTTS2. It will utilize the low-latency KV store to mark the question as answered, thereby blocking further output from the RAG DAG. While this approach might not be the most cost-effective, it's highly efficient in terms of latency.

Now, onto the second benefit. As the prompt above clarifies, the quick answer path always yields output. However, if the LLM identifies the question as requiring RAG processing, it returns a specific sentence. For instance, in the case of weather-related queries, it might say, “Checking the Open Weather API for the latest weather data.” This output is passed to StyleTTS2 and relayed as audio to the user without marking the question as answered. As a result, the RAG DAG path can proceed to provide the actual answer.

This strategy doesn't reduce the latency of the RAG DAG path, but it effectively conceals it from the user. While the voice assistant engages with the user and retrieves data from a source, the RAG DAG completes its task and follows up with the actual answer.

Such latency hiding has become standard practice in LLM-based applications. For instance, ever wondered why LLMs stream results back to the chat client? Exactly, to obscure the fact that generating the complete result takes time.

Web Interface

Web Interface

Recognizing that most users prefer a more user-friendly interaction with a voice assistant than directly interfacing with an API endpoint, we've created a simple JavaScript-based frontend application. This frontend application facilitates audio recording and queries the Seaplane API endpoint for a response.

To bridge the gap between the frontend application and the Seaplane API, we've implemented a middle layer using a Python-based HTTP server. This application component handles the uploading of audio recordings to a public bucket, submits the URL to Seaplane, and continuously polls the GET endpoint for a response.

In scenarios where the response from Seaplane consists of two parts, as indicated by the JSON object output, the web server initiates a second polling request to retrieve the second audio output, i.e., the RAG-enriched output. This process ensures a smooth and user-friendly experience when interacting with our voice assistant application.

Web interface state diagram

Collaborative Aspect

While this basic application was developed in less than a day by a single person, another aspect is worth noting. During an internal hackathon, we divided our company into four teams, each tasked with developing a new RAG element for the RAG DAG.

Each team leveraged the reusable nature of Seaplane tasks and created Python functions to execute specific information retrieval tasks. In just two hours, we significantly enhanced the functionality of the application to enable tasks such as:

  • Retrieving flight data
  • Fetching brewery information
  • Accessing data about nearby Pokémon
  • Retrieving interesting facts about The Simpsons
  • Generating dad jokes

These functionalities were integrated by querying publicly available APIs and adding additional paths through conditional routing in the RAG DAG. This highlights the collaborative capabilities of teams working together on the Seaplane platform.

Start building today

That's all it takes to develop a voice assistant capable of competing with those built by major tech companies. We are open-sourcing our repository soon. Keep an eye on this page and our LinkedIn page to be notified as soon as it's public.

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